Fortinet Acquires Next DLP Strengthens its Top-Tier Unified SASE Solution Read the release

Business & Security: Aligned

Cyber hygiene, sensitive data visibility, and user education for critical infrastructure.

Summary of outcome


This energy supplier aimed to bolster cybersecurity for their distributed workplace, needing insight into internal data movement and better security measures, despite existing tools and firewalls.
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The customer adopted Reveal for advanced, human-centric cybersecurity, enhancing data visibility, employee practices, and refining company policies while ensuring privacy for their employees.
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The customer benefits from enhanced cybersecurity visibility, refining employee guidelines, automating alerts, improving data classification, and bolstering internal/external threat protection.
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About The Customer

This company supplies electricity to  consumers in The Nordics derived from solar, wind, and water sources. They proactively integrate innovative solutions to capture and distribute energy safely and sustainably, delivering a cost-effective product to residents and manufacturing companies.  New energy alternatives are at the core of their business, providing solar panels and modern heating solutions to create more efficient ways of capturing and using energy. In their pursuit to provide a quality product, the organization also needs to protect itself from the inside; understanding that they need to improve internal cyber security awareness to better protect its company, employees, and customers.

computer next to phone


The organization sought to enhance their cybersecurity hygiene and gain insights into employee device usage. Despite having data loss prevention tools and firewalls, they lacked understanding of internal data movement and the unsanctioned saving of documents, leading to potential vulnerabilities. Noticing the existence of unapproved add-ons and other unsafe behaviors, they realized the need for improved oversight of their internal environment. Their existing security measures felt inadequate, prompting them to search for a solution that could offer more comprehensive protection and foster a company-wide culture of cybersecurity awareness.
code within computer


After deploying the Reveal Platform, the customer benefits from real-time notifications to employees making unsafe data actions, especially involving personally identifiable information (PII) or unauthorized programs. It gives the visibility the customer sought without relying on document classification or tags. Crucially, Reveal's ability to anonymize data ensured employees' privacy while allowing the company to track data movements. Partnering with Cygate, the customer implemented an anonymized analyst program. Leveraging Reveal's machine learning for user activity monitoring, they discerned regular and irregular employee practices, refining their company user policy accordingly. This holistic approach, facilitated by Reveal, enhanced cybersecurity practices throughout the company.


increased visbility

Increased Visibility

The energy company found that a traditional DLP provider does not provide enough insight into their cyber infrastructure. With Reveal, they are now able to see how employees are using their computers, and in understanding this, they can better follow how sensitive information moves throughout the company. Reveal gives them visibility into where documents are being saved, whether it is safe or not, and if the right people have access to that information. The customer is also able to spot inefficiencies and better assign access to those who do and do not need access to these files.

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user training at point of risk

User training at point of risk

With the increased visibility, the energy company continues to grow and adjust its employees’ guidelines in accordance with this new insight. Since Reveal can bring company handbooks to life with alerts, the rules have been adjusted to keep the handbook and employees always up-to-date. With a better-defined handbook comes a more accurate collection of any anomalies found by the Reveal Agent. While most employees take the time to read through their handbooks upon arrival to the company, once settled, it is not often that they revisit these guides. Now they do not need to worry if employees have been keeping themselves familiar with new rules. The Reveal Agent handles this for them, allowing employees to also be confident in their daily work.

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improved data classification

Improved data classification

Their company has also created a better system for the classification of documents and unstructured data, making it more apparent to both Reveal and the customer's employees  which data contains sensitive information and how to handle each accordingly. In taking the time to classify documents, the customer has created better organization within the system, helping to prevent the unknowing movement of sensitive data. Thereby their company is better protected against the threat of attack both internally and externally. The close relationship they share with their Next partner also helps them get the most out of this system while staying continuously updated on their company’s health.

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