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Enabling an IPO for Manufacturing Company

Visibility, auditability, and controls to support stringent NASDAQ listing requirements.

Summary of outcome


With three locations and over 300 employees, Arla Plast needed to ensure their internal security was airtight to comply with the financial requirements of being publicly listed.
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Seeing how Reveal could show how data moved behind the scenes, Arla Plast was sold. These capabilities would prove critical during the complicated IPO process.

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With Reveal, they see where holes in the system are and adjusts their internal policies to address the risks. The NASDAQ listing went smoothly and the company gained new visibility into cyber hygiene.

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person in protective gear walking up ladder

About Arla Plast

Being listed on a stock exchange is a major milestone for founders, signaling success, investment opportunities, and growth, but also introducing compliance challenges. Arla Plast, a leading European plastics manufacturer with a history spanning over 50 years, recently achieved this dream by getting listed on the NASDAQ. With its vast operations across three locations and over 300 employees, ensuring internal security and compliance became paramount. David Lindström, the IT Operations Manager, recognized the need to tighten internal security measures to meet the financial and compliance requirements of the listing, ensuring a smooth and secure transition for the long-established company.
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Lindström identified potential risks to Lindström's NASDAQ listing, including unintentional employee negligence in handling sensitive financial data. Seeking a tool for protection and cyber hygiene education, he revisited Next. Initially seeing Next's "Reveal" as a useful but not essential tool, Lindström soon realized its critical importance for Arla Plast, not only for training staff but also for safeguarding company information during the crucial listing process.
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As Arla Plast approached its stock market listing, ensuring the security and protection of their information became paramount. Collaborating with the team at Next, Lindström realized the platform's potential went beyond mere training; it could monitor and control the movement of documents and information within the company. Implementing Next led to significant improvements in employees' cyber hygiene. Pop-up educational videos alerted them to potential security breaches or policy violations, helping to avoid unintentional leaks. Gradually, Lindström integrated more of Next’s features, tracking internal documents and ensuring financial compliance. The tool's ability to monitor confidential documents reassured upper management. Lindström stated that removing Next after its integration would leave them feeling vulnerable, likening it to "being blind again".


smooth implementation

Smooth implementation

“It has been a really good implementation,” says Lindström. “In general we don’t even notice the agent on the computer.” Weeks into the successful public listing, Lindström is all smiles. Looking forward, he wants to see what more functionality and features he can integrate with Arla Plast’s network deployment.

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open sales process

Open sales process

He says working with Next DLP has been great: “I like companies where you can bring up suggestions and solicit feedback, and it doesn’t take a long time for you to get that function or at least a plan for that function.” Next’s open sales process allows Lindström and team to find new uses for Reveak and brainstorm potential feature adds. Sometimes, that process is reversed. Lindström describes how adding Next to the company has given him ideas for new ways to use the solution. “Lately, we have been looking at incidents and creating guidelines from there.” Before, he had little awareness of the current pain points of information sharing. With Next, Lindström sees where holes in the system are and starts to adjust their internal policies to address the risks.

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easy to learn

Easy for team to learn

It has been easy to pick up for his teams as well. Lindström says he sat with the sales engineer and once he saw examples, it was very easy to learn. Since the addition of Next, “we have found quite a lot of incidents,” remarks Lindström. They are still fine-tuning policies, but overall, it has been a fantastic success.

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new levels of visibility

New levels of visibility

The listing on NASDAQ went smoothly and the company has gained new visibility into their network and cyber hygiene. “Now we can make sure we do what we promised the stock market—we secure and protect our information the right way,” says Lindström. His team is excited to see what’s next with Next DLP and how they can help their newly public company grow faster than ever.

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